3 October 2012

We fly high…

True, we work hard. But sometimes it’s time for a celebration. There doesn’t always have to be a reason, but in this case there definitely was. Yesterday Piotr, our very nice colleague, worked 10 years at XLBoom – the mother company of Smart Living Objects - and just having shared a bottle of Champagne to commemorate that occasion would have been, well…a little cheap. So of course we decided to call in the big guns. We started off in the morning with homemade cheesecake and pie. Most of us already had a nutritious breakfast, but then again, it’s way too early for new year’s resolutions :)
At noon, we all had a delicious lunch (with champagne of course). Look for yourself and judge:

The party really started at 13h30. Our bosses gave Piotr a fake assignment. He was supposed to pick up a parcel at the airport of Antwerp, but once he arrived there he was welcomed by a pilot who took him on a half hour helicopter flight above Antwerp.

Like every normal person, Piotr felt a bit scared when he was about to enter the helicopter but afterwards he was as happy as he could have possibly been. A super gift!

We’ll see you next time!

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